# Twtxt is an open, distributed microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, common transport protocols, # and free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # This is hosted by Ciberlândia, a Mastodon community dedicated to digital # culture and its intersection with all areas that focus on creativity, society # and human interaction in general, mainly in Portuguese language. # Learn more at https://ciberlandia.pt # # By default, you will only see the 20 most recent statuses. # # You can also set parameters "limit" and "offset" in your query string if # you want to fetch more statuses. Please note that you can only fetch up # to 200 statuses at a time. # # E.g. to get the latest 200 statuses: # https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt?limit=200 # # E.g. to skip the latest 200 status, and fetch the 200 previous ones: # https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt?offset=200&limit=200 # # nick = @marado@ciberlandia.pt # url = https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado.txt # avatar = https://ciberlandia.pt/system/accounts/avatars/110/995/967/220/365/140/original/fa4bd5e19794d18f.png # description = Publicações públicas de @marado@ciberlandia.pt 2024-05-18T16:20:32Z (#112463002487858823) 3º debate: BE, CDU, IL, L

As perguntas mudaram, o que é positivo. Mais uma vez me pareceu pobre este modelo de debate a quatro - que é sempre melhor que nada, mas que vicia o debate, formam-se discussões "por blocos" e perde-se oportunidaes de explorar difernças. Neste caso, o óbvio bloco esquerda-direita, em toda a linha: e ainda que tenha servido para mostrar a falta de propostas e soluções da IL (Cotrim teve aqui o seu pior debate), não sei se deu oportunidade adequada para mostrar a diferença das propostas de BE, CDU e L. Talvez a CDU tenha sido a mais afectada por isso, tendo este sido o seu primeiro debate... não tenho a certeza. De qualquer forma, pouco a pouco os debates tornam-se esclarecedores, e com este terceito debate já ouvimos todas as forças políticas que vamos ouvir nos próximos tempos.

Sou sempre crítico, e desta vez não será diferente, da falta de visibilidade que se dá aos "partidos pequenos": os sem representação parlamentar vão debater só entre si, e num só debate, dia 30. Um debate a nove, que necessariamente será ainda menos esclarecedor dos debates a quatro que estão a decorrer. 2024-05-17T20:10:42Z (#112458245210308288) O live já foi, mas fica a gravação para a posteridade:

@DiogoConstantino@masto.pt https://masto.pt/@DiogoConstantino/112457874156051883

#DiaDaInternet 2024-05-17T12:33:47Z (#112456448545945337) 🇪🇺 Last week, Greens, Socialists, Liberals and the Left signed a joint declaration rejecting any cooperation with the far-right.

🇳🇱 This week, the Dutch Liberals announced to form a coalition with the far-right.

#europeanelections 2024-05-16T22:47:59Z (#112453201421198174) É que nem de propósito, logo depois de dar com esta situação do tic.gov.pt, fico a saber que quem lidera o TICAPP (responsável por aquele site) vai agora ficar à frente de toda a AMA...

https://ciberlandia.pt/@paulasimoes/112453063440546162 2024-05-16T18:08:01Z (#112452100492208292) Do brilhantemente ridículo:

Portugal tem "Estratégia para a Transformação Digital da Administração Pública 2021-2026", e um site para ela ( https://tic.gov.pt/ ) mas boa sorte para saber algum detalhe sobre ela (que por acaso até inclui uma "estratégia para a Cloud"), porque os documentos que devian estar nas mãos da infraestrutura governamental, estão numa cloud... da azure. Alguém de deve ter esquecido de pagar as contas ou isso, e agora o que temos é aquilo que o waybackmachine arquivou:

Princípios de Arquitectura: https://web.archive.org/web/20230329142107/https://qld-bo-etic.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/api/assets/etic/0a3c03b4-6d9e-4b9e-9e88-2403bcb58afa/
Peças Concursais da Estratégia Cloud: https://web.archive.org/web/20230329135508/https://qld-bo-etic.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/api/assets/etic/8ec0889b-b1f4-4c17-812d-48efc18dd4de/
Capacitação RH para Estratégia Cloud: https://web.archive.org/web/20230329135550/https://qld-bo-etic.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com/api/assets/etic/dd5ee962-a6ca-41ee-92b6-a467fc4cc295/

Ainda bem que a Estratégia Cloud inclui uma Estratégia de Saída... 2024-05-15T23:22:38Z (#112447675321621202) O segundo debate foi entre três opções de esquerda e um esgroviado que os quatro adultos à mesa (candidatos e moderador) tinham de fazer o frete de ouvir.

Temas foram os mesmos, à excepção da última pergunta (que foi mal metida no primeiro debate) e que desta vez deu para deixar os partidos falar um bocadinho sobre a crise climática.

No resumo, acho que foi esclarecedor para o eleitorado de esquerda perceber as diferenças entre estas três propostas (BE, L e PAN). Vá, "esquerda", que o PAN continua a não querer ser esquerda.

Será que serviu para quem sabia que queria votar Verdes e não via diferenças entre L e PAN? @seyon? O:-) 2024-05-15T16:25:04Z (#112446033404651072) Thanks to #GoogleIO I also noticed that now their lexicon has the term "Open Software", not defined but exemplified, in a quiet step away from using the "Open Source" term. ![Google Cloud examples of "Open Software"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/445/992/245/429/901/original/e2cfb629e3a6cd78.jpg) !["Open Software" in a Google IO keynote's slide](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/445/992/737/277/353/original/4183d4479641f6e2.jpg) !["Open source components" and "Open software". Are the terms interchangeable in their usage? We might never know.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/446/019/599/832/462/original/f3bce055fb8b29ca.jpg) 2024-05-15T14:32:35Z (#112445591123748894) On #GoogleIO's keynote, it is said that Google Search has been getting an increase in user satisfaction, and I feel like there must be something weird going on,because all I read everywhere on news, blogs and social media is that people are feeling that Google Search is getting worse and worse (which I also feel). Are they in a bubble? Am I in a bubble? What's going on? ![A still of Google IO's keynote](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/445/588/742/151/482/original/be89d84dd0b58e8c.png) 2024-05-14T21:38:03Z (#112441601771677478) Foi ontem o primeiro debate: PS, AD, IL e @LIVRE@masto.pt .

O meu comentário:

56 minutos de debate.

Tema 1 - #Migração. 22 minutos. Fica provada a hipocrisia das candidaturas da AD e do PS. Perde-se com o formato a quatro, era interessante confronto de ideias IL/L.
Tema 2 - #alargamento. IL não nega crise climática, só não gosta da palavra emergência porque senão as pessoas começam a actuar contra o problema. É o "sim, está a queimar, deixa arder". AD gosta do mercado de emissões como fonte de financiamento da Europa, IL também mas não gosta da taxa nos plásticos. De alargamento falou-se... nada.
Tema 3 - Guerra na #Ucrânia - minuto 38 - precisamos de segurança e autonomia, diz L. Todos querem mais dinheiro para o orçamento "da defesa". A transição energética traz muitos custos, diz a IL, a dizer que para lidar com a guerra da Ucrânia é preciso crescimento económico, e por isso não dá para ligar à questão climática.
Tema 4 - #Costa na Europa, minuto 49. IL quer a melhor pessoa, Portuguesa ou não. PS quer Costa porque é a melhor pessoa. O L sublinha que os eurodeputados não votam nisso, há temas melhores. AD não quer falar de Costa.

Fica provado que a #CriseClimática é um tema importante para estas eleições, é triste que não tenha sido tópico das perguntas.

Amanhã (4ª feira) há o 2° debate.

#ptpol #europeias2024 2024-05-14T11:08:36Z (#112439126677601189) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 20 ![Marilyn Manson's "Smells Like Children" CD and hoodie](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/439/123/747/146/941/original/21b2c6a28699eb5d.jpg) 2024-05-13T18:32:30Z (#112435209894901407) I confess I have an hard time understanding why do I need to go through a #captcha and prove I'm not a robot to #gitlab each time I have to logout... 2024-05-12T15:06:44Z (#112428738416737368) "Why do you say that there is no fairness in FRAND?"

Check @fsfe@mastodon.social's comments about #FRAND, if you want to know more about it:
https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/standards/why-frand-is-bad-for-free-software.en.html 2024-05-12T15:01:05Z (#112428716209453080) Recent news about the ban of the sale of #Lenovo products with #WWAN support on #Germany due to a dispute on what is #FRAND in #SEPs should work as a wake-up call to the issues.

For too long, we have not been making enough to ensure that Open Standards matter, that Software Patents are wrong, that there is nothing fair on FRAND. And, now more than ever, we are paying the price - with things still moving in the wrong direction.

As it happens, now is also a momentous time, where (in #Europe) we can make a difference. Trilogues around the SEP regulation draft are expected to begin as soon as the new members of the European Parliament are elected.

Voting in the #europeanelections, and choosing wisely whom we want represent us, will be a decisive moment. And, until then we should raise awareness, demonstrate our interest in the issue, as the candidates for their positions on this matter.

Now is the time. 2024-05-10T21:46:36Z (#112418986180237729) For this #FridayReads and for the seasonal prompt of #May, #animals, I keep reading through the Anne of Green Gables novels, now the 6th in the series, "Anne of Ingleside".

I must confess that Montgomery's lack of effort in some instances frustrates me, to a point when, now in the sixth book (of eight), I found myself wishing for it to just end. Not a good sign! I've heard that for some people the 7th and 8th are the best of them, tho, so I am hopeful that things get better.

#Bookstodon ![The Anne of Green Gables Novels #6 L. M. MONTGOMERY Anne of Ingleside Special Collector's Edition](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/418/969/963/201/739/original/ab50634bd9ed176f.jpg) 2024-05-09T13:56:13Z (#112411474243537970) Lembremo-nos também, neste #DiaDaEuropa, que a transparência não é um extra de que se pode abdicar, mas um dos pilares para uma verdadeira democracia.

https://www.jornalmapa.pt/2024/04/18/a-comissao-europeia-decidiu-marginalizar-oficialmente-o-escrutinio-do-parlamento-europeu-para-envio-de-mil-milhoes-de-euros-ao-egipto/ 2024-05-09T11:53:10Z (#112410990352613613) Today is #EuropeDay, and in a month we'll have #europeanelections.

So it is a good time to highlight - again - that we are living a #ClimateCrisis.

Scientists are losing hope, they are in despair because they know we must act but there is no political will to change, and, by not changing our policies, we're signing up for death and suffering.

Take this into account when you go vote in the upcoming elections. Please.

https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2024/may/08/hopeless-and-broken-why-the-worlds-top-climate-scientists-are-in-despair 2024-05-08T22:38:04Z (#112407863889919838) A culpa da #abstenção é também dos partidos:

"Os portugueses vão votar nas eleições europeias com base nos programas eleitorais (41%), segundo um estudo em que um terço dos inquiridos apontam para a ausência de informação e, por isso, não tenciona ir às urnas."

#europeias2024 #ptpol

https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/lusa/eleicoes-europeias-portugueses-apontam-falta-de-informacao-e-um-terco-nao-tenciona-votar_n1569641 2024-05-07T14:19:46Z (#112400242187552190) Ninguém pode obrigar PS ou AD a ir a debates. Mas é de todo inaceitável que a sua indisponibilidade sirva de chantagem, que se resolva discriminando todas as outras candidaturas para colocar estas duas em posição de destaque.

Fica bem o Bloco, que ameaça com uma providência cautelar se as televisões insistirem nessa ideia:

@EsquerdaNet@masto.pt https://masto.pt/@EsquerdaNet/112395601755516016 2024-05-06T13:40:37Z (#112394425952098761) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 19 ![Lil' Betlethoven An Album By SPARKS](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/394/423/031/685/618/original/0c743d7581c29e3c.jpg) 2024-05-06T12:22:40Z (#112394119429204691) A #IA é o futuro, é só fazer um site, ligar ao chatogpt e o pimbas! É assim, não é? Profit? Hm? ... ![A nova Winepedia, um site que é e não é, pode ser mas é fictícia, e tudo o mais que se pode ler dito por um chatbot.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/394/110/526/634/240/original/910b3321c3b15c94.jpg) 2024-05-05T17:24:49Z (#112389645264405357) The event is over now, but the planning for SFD 2024 is just beginning!

Learn more about #SFD at https://digitalfreedoms.org/sfd ![A screenshot of DFF's presentation about SFD on LibrePlanet 2024](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/389/638/736/825/224/original/e073f6f5955193a3.png) 2024-05-05T16:06:32Z (#112389337404097824) "Resurrecting Software Freedom Day" is @dff@fosstodon.org 's #LibrePlanet talk, that is about to start in Neptune's room - https://galene.fsf.org/group/libreplanet-neptune/ .

Learn all about #SFD, and hopefully be inspired to celebrate it this year! ![Speaker: Jurgen Gaeremyn Father of two, happily married, bit of a nerd, but not a die hard technical profile. A bit of a philosopher but not a trained scholar. Long time user and advocate of entry level free software tools. Part of the Digital Freedom Foundation Board Title: Resurrecting Software Freedom Day Date: Sunday 12:15 - 13:00 EDT (16:00 UTC) Location: Neptune -- online Track: Social context Description: Software Freedom Day has been a rather niche event, but inside the FOSS community it was a household brand a decade ago. While it has been on the decline over the last 10 years, today the event is more important than ever in the movement to further Software Freedom. In this talk, I will explain why.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/389/331/295/526/392/original/2d56bcd6ef11bab6.png) 2024-05-04T01:50:26Z (#112380308774378677) What about a map on your terminal?

@ColinTheMathmo@mathstodon.xyz https://mathstodon.xyz/@ColinTheMathmo/112378605642261812 ![An ascii map zoomed over Portugal](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/380/304/086/116/070/original/32cec0586fbdeda8.jpg) 2024-05-04T01:09:41Z (#112380148556717766) Há um novo projecto editorial Português, uma revista cujo número 0 já pode ser encomendado. Estava interessado, fui à procura... a sua única presença online (e forma de encomendar) é no instagram.

Conclusão: perderam pelo menos uma venda, e genericamente o meu interesse. 2024-05-03T10:39:38Z (#112376727364407826) "A review of data suggests that, at minimum, tens of thousands of people died in climate-change-influenced weather events around the world last year."

A reminder to those who complain that activists break windows: #ClimateCrisis kills.

https://www.preventionweb.net/news/climate-change-played-role-killing-tens-thousands-people-2023 2024-05-02T23:03:01Z (#112373988144882341) Há gajos que não têm mais nada para fazer...

Hoje deu-me para isto: um programeta para ver o #teletexto da #RTP no terminal.

https://github.com/marado/teletexto ![Um screenshot da página 120 do teletexto da RTP, visto num terminal.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/373/976/351/325/957/original/e25aa7c08ab42f7c.png) 2024-05-02T16:31:08Z (#112372447188822583) Lembras-te do #ChatControl ?

Não? Vê este vídeo:

Sim? Então lê esta thread da @d3 ...
 https://ciberlandia.pt/@d3/112372236743568882 2024-05-01T12:18:21Z (#112365790892506486) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 18 ![Test Dept.'s Disturbance, a fit choice for International Workers' Day](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/365/780/421/335/075/original/753fd80e0ed94450.jpg) 2024-04-27T18:35:34Z (#112344624962096905) Ganda #malha ! ![Dois cravos em ponto de cruz (acho) pendurados numa parede exterior, rodeados de janelas. Autoria do Rancho Regional de Fafel](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/344/619/613/737/199/original/aa1579cc61206193.jpg) 2024-04-27T17:14:29Z (#112344306141014363) "Fazer a experiência da política, para a maior parte de nós, ultimamente, não é fazer a experiência da esperança na transformação, nos dias felizes e nos dias melhores — é fazer a experiência da impotência. O que define o nosso presente político é o sentimento de derrota, de desgosto — de contracção."

https://shifter.pt/2024/04/sair-da-nossa-impotencia-politica/ 2024-04-27T12:59:55Z (#112343305123858004) "Murder at the Vicarage" is the #readchristie2024 #book for #April and #Marple's first novel.

#bookstodon ![The first two translations to Continental Portuguese of this book gave it different titles: "Crime na Aldeia" (Crime in the Village) and "Encontro com um assassino" (Encounter with a murderer). This picture shows both, side by side.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/343/294/778/403/970/original/e55eba184a3aed24.jpg) 2024-04-27T01:31:08Z (#112340596709658605) It is finally official: #NealStephenson's upcoming book #Polostan is going to be released September 26, 2024 (UK) and October 15, 2024 (US), pre-orders already possible.

https://harpercollins.co.uk/products/polostan-bomb-light-book-1-neal-stephenson 2024-04-25T13:30:15Z (#112332099763176170) Aos 50 anos que passaram :cravo:
O #25a74 que se celebra :cravo: 
E ao futuro em Liberdade :cravo: ![Três cravos num vaso: um envelhecido um bem florido um em botão](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/332/090/391/408/192/original/dab4b26aea9b8ee4.jpg) 2024-04-24T09:56:47Z (#112325598078083105) :cravo: 2024-04-23T10:43:14Z (#112320118411378024) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 17 ![The Elastic Band: El Baile Del Elefante (Elephant Walk) El Baile De La Rana (Leap-Frog) A 7" record sleeve, with the drawing of a frog 🐸 riding an elephant 🐘 under the sun 🌞](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/320/109/210/452/386/original/ea6d66d8a7aeeea4.jpg) 2024-04-22T23:23:59Z (#112317447526255184) Começou: #25Abril74 

@25abril1974@mastodon.social https://mastodon.social/@25abril1974/112314050311491812 2024-04-22T22:55:42Z (#112317336320488436) Aplausos ao @LIVRE@masto.pt que defende algo da mais elementar necessidade: dar carácter vinculativo aos pareceres da #CADA. Só assim se pode fazer cumprir a Lei.

https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/politica/2024/04/22/livre-quer-transparencia-no-acesso-a-documentos-e-na-pegada-legislativa/375550/ 2024-04-22T13:09:43Z (#112315032081239860) Neste Dia da #Terra chegou-me à caixa de correio o mais recente número do #Mapa, que entre outras coisas tem a frase que vale a pena reflectir este dia:

《Somos a última geração que pode travar a crise climática》 ![Foto do jornal Mapa, título 《Somos a última geração que pode travar a crise climática》 com foto de cartaz que diz "Não resistir é ser cúmplice".](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/315/028/334/011/483/original/d990f97aa7d771de.jpg) 2024-04-22T09:44:31Z (#112314225251863433) "Free Software is everywhere, with studies estimating that it is present in about 96% of the applications that we use. But what are the responsibilities and liabilities of the Free Software developers? A potential threat to Free Software developers looms in the form of an ongoing lawsuit in the UK involving Bitcoin and its core developers."

https://fsfe.org/news/2024/news-20240417-01.en.html 2024-04-21T18:53:37Z (#112310722063898024) Fomos conhecer a (linda) biblioteca de #Armamar e até à mui' recomendável Feira do Livro usado. ![Cartaz da Feira do Livro usado em Armamar, de 20 a 23 de Abril](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/310/708/080/249/368/original/86bdc4690cc2bbc0.jpg) ![Foto da entrada da biblioteca de Armamar](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/310/708/465/341/971/original/6473e4d0a667672a.jpg) ![Torre do edifício da Biblioteca de Armamar](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/310/708/541/672/112/original/f5004df5a8eed870.jpg) 2024-04-20T19:17:24Z (#112305153259459829) Happy Hardware Freedom Day!


#HardwareFreedomDay #HFD #HFDay 2024-04-20T03:26:55Z (#112301415803463718) Maintaining 30 years old code be like blindly knowing exactly what to do to restart a service at 4am using the phone, because decades old memory leak doesn’t let the damn thing run much longer then 10 months without exhausting the available resources. 2024-04-19T06:35:56Z (#112296496759579882) The #RaceWhoKnowsJosephBookClub book for #April and the 5th in the Anne of Green Gables novels is "Anne's House of Dreams", my choice for #FridayReads . It also fits quite perfectly to the monthly prompt for #nature. ![A picture of L. M. Montgomery's "Anne's House of Dreams"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/296/494/305/973/782/original/3fae5b1d72ac630b.jpg) 2024-04-19T06:23:03Z (#112296446085321480) Big Media’s lobbyists have been running a smear campaign trying to paint the Internet Archive as a greedy big tech operation bent on stealing books—which is totally absurd. If you’ve ever used the WayBack Machine, listened to their wonderful archives of live music, or checked out one of their 37 million texts, it’s time to speak up. In the wake of this judgment, everyone is showing their support for the Internet Archive’s determination to keep fighting.

Sign a petition to defend @internetarchive@mastodon.archive.org at

#digitalrightsforlibraries 2024-04-16T09:24:34Z (#112280172907390105) Como é que a APA resolve o facto do seu site não ser XHTML válido? Bloqueiam-se pedidos vindos do validador, claro. ![Captura de ecrã a mostrar o validador da W3C a dizer que não consegue fazer pedidos ao site da APA porque leva com um erro 403 (Proibido).](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/280/163/452/943/209/original/71a65c3a67fa447d.png) 2024-04-15T17:15:44Z (#112276363285792105) Includes Non-Fungible Crap, a message that will demand @rlafuente's Tremendous Comprehension 😀 ![A section from on of the pages, where a character is seen holding a cardboard banner saying: "Tremendous Comprehension NFC- Non-Fungible Cardboard"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/276/350/456/866/675/original/a464c77dd19d15d0.jpg) 2024-04-15T17:11:46Z (#112276347709430111) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 16 ![Unsafe Space Garden's "Where's the Ground?", a comic book that is also a record.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/276/342/568/400/765/original/663c7235ce74ea39.jpg) 2024-04-14T10:46:36Z (#112269170894919994) ![Right to safe abortion as a European fundamental right: how did the parties vote The Greens/EFA: 100% in favour The Left: 100% in favour Socialists & Democrats: 97% in favour, 3% against Liberals (Renew Europe): 95% in favour; 5% against Non-Affiliated: 52% in favour, 48% against Conservatives (EPP): 40% in favour, 60% against National conservatives (ECR): 5% in favour, 95% against Far right: 3% in favour, 97% against Abstention not included. Graph by European Greens](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/269/160/222/629/167/original/5406e3973f952354.jpg) 2024-04-13T00:15:55Z (#112261028604980191) Para memória futura: foi este Basalto, e foi uma bela surpresa:

https://linktr.ee/basalto.music ![Basalto no Festival Termómetro em Lamego, 2024](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/261/026/276/002/084/original/b0d999f0fda9bb9f.jpg) 2024-04-12T19:52:49Z (#112259994034433396) Montenegro dá o corpo ao manifesto: falou disto na Assembleia da República hoje, para confirmar que é opinião dele e do PSD que é contra o direito ao aborto porque coitadinhos dos direitos do feto 🤮

#ptpol 2024-04-12T18:22:01Z (#112259637051026819) 2 horas e 10 minutos antes do festival, descubro que o projecto "Basalto" que vai tocar é outro... 2024-04-12T11:25:47Z (#112258000296848463) Lagging behind in my listening plans, only now I found that...:

Enough Records Radio Show #055 - features #kokori with Mortal Kombat

Enough Records Radio Show #095 - features #kokori with Inbrase

Enough Records Radio Show #097 - features #Merankorii with Cry
https://enoughrec.bandcamp.com/album/enough-records-radio-show-097 2024-04-11T22:50:54Z (#112255032016233218) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 15 ![Marilyn Manson's "Trail Of Blood", an unofficial record on a blood splattered transparent vinyl (limited edition).](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/255/021/485/152/577/original/5f7ea2c372e22ad6.jpg) 2024-04-11T13:06:39Z (#112252734608874610) O direito ao aborto foi incluído na Carta dos Direitos Fundamentais da UE.

Dos Eurodeputados Portugueses, contámos com 6 votos contra das bancadas do PSD e CDS, e uma abstenção também do PSD.

Lembremo-nos, para as #Europeias2024 ![Votos dos MEPs Portugueses a esta proposta de resolução](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/252/723/204/391/766/original/bf1e24c016f0ff94.jpg) 2024-04-10T22:14:58Z (#112249228379239590) Oh não, o símbolo do país sem esfera armilar, onde vamos parar! ![A imagem usada no programa de Governo. É o velho/novo símbolo, mas sem esfera armilar.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/249/219/381/631/636/original/57d9c2d321d25b86.jpeg) 2024-04-10T09:57:11Z (#112246327334632986) #CadaLivroOSeuLeitor é a hashtag em Português para a campanha #EveryBookItsReader da Wikimedia.

Este ano andava a fazer (silenciosamente e sem pressão) a minha própria forma de celebrar o mês, fazendo uma edição por dia, tipicamente na Wikidata, relacionada com livros.

Mas parece que este ano a @wikimediapt@masto.pt vai trazer de forma mais oficial esta campanha a Portugal, com a apresentação a decorrer, muito adequadamente, no dia de abertura da Feira do Livro em Évora:

@paulasimoes https://ciberlandia.pt/@paulasimoes/112241862615259555 2024-04-09T20:09:22Z (#112243072229609038) Reading an e-mail about an update to Terms of Service: "These updates will take place on April 8, 2024."

I think, "good, these guys warn in advance and give a chance for people that don't want or cannot accept the new terms to take their data and close their accounts... 8th of April? That's not much time is it? We're at... April 9. Hm? When did I get this email?"

date: Apr 9, 2024, 7:19 AM
subject: Updates to Our Terms of Service


#ToS 2024-04-09T11:47:29Z (#112241098734885619) Is this for real?

According to this news piece, #Chechnya is placing a #ban on slow or fast music. And 120bpm is already too fast for them: all music should "correspond to a tempo of 80 to 116 beats per minute".

I'm tempted to organize a to-be-banned music compilation now...

https://news.sky.com/story/chechnya-bans-music-that-is-too-fast-or-too-slow-13110266 2024-04-09T01:40:02Z (#112238710115776817) #qotd
#Canada, #1890

Women voted for the first time in Canada in 1917. ![《"I suppose you are in favor of votes for women, Miss Cornelia," said Gilbert. "I'm not hankering after the vote, believe ME," said Miss Cornelia scornfully. "I know what it is to clean up after the men. But some of these days, when the men realize they've got the world into a mess they can't get it out of, they'll be glad to give us the vote, and shoulder their troubles over on us. That's THEIR scheme. Oh, it's well that women are patient, believe ME!"》](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/238/684/139/992/291/original/c3f840a28a3d604d.jpg) 2024-04-07T08:54:20Z (#112229093267690957) #WikiConPortugal 2024, day 3 ![A picture of shelf III on the library room the event is taking place](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/229/085/769/613/503/original/e4a700aefbf225f4.jpg) 2024-04-06T08:47:55Z (#112223405719504001) Tudo a postos para o 2º dia de #wikiconportugal !

https://pt.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiCon_Portugal_2024 ![Sala nova da Biblioteca de Évora, com mesas de leitura preparadas para as oficinas que se avizinham](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/223/390/600/701/730/original/4b4fad5b90a707d9.jpg) 2024-04-05T22:59:45Z (#112221092912349210) @ansol@floss.social inclui referência à #ciberlândia! ![Masto.pt e ciberlandia.pt são os exemplos usados de instâncias de Mastodon federadas entre si](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/221/086/069/922/371/original/684eee5b0d516640.jpg) 2024-04-05T22:54:15Z (#112221071297879477) Mais um mês, mais um par de artigos da @ansol@floss.social na #PCGuia. 

Este mês fala-se de #mastodon e soberania digital! ![Foto da PCGuia, mostrando parcialmente os artigos da ANSOL deste mês.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/221/067/723/115/218/original/40272bcbefda66af.jpg) 2024-04-05T15:39:35Z (#112219362101941499) Que melhor sítio para a #WikiConPT que a belíssima #bibliotecapúblicadeévora ?

#wikiconportugal ![Banners da WikiCon na sala nova da Bibliotecas de Évora](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/219/340/627/621/303/original/7adfd5834350ce5e.jpg) 2024-04-04T18:38:50Z (#112214404668706151) #Payphone no #Seminário de #Évora , edição #WikiconPortugal ![Foto de uma payphone, moedas ou credifone](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/214/396/761/236/088/original/c3ccd8ef4be3d015.jpg) 2024-04-02T23:58:38Z (#112204337545579689) No #vampires or #zombies allowed in this #ToS. !["The user declares that he/she is a physical person, alive, non-professional, of legal age, and with total legal capacity, enabling him/her to accept the said Conditions."](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/204/335/280/927/745/original/9443844a10cb4bd2.jpeg) 2024-04-02T19:58:24Z (#112203392938632287) 0 days have passed since I last had to rename a .jpeg file into .jpg in order to upload it somewhere :netscape_anim:​ 2024-04-02T11:58:06Z (#112201504320953806) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 14 ![Sieben's "Vision 2020" on vinyl](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/201/492/233/963/638/original/38d59da8991036a5.jpg) ![The record with the guts out](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/201/492/686/669/928/original/8d4fa059f0a9a594.jpg) ![The record without the woodwork cover](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/201/492/751/283/222/original/e749af780a496111.jpg) 2024-04-01T08:53:26Z (#112195115818601479) #termómetro #Lamego

* https://basalto.bandcamp.com
* https://soundcloud.com/user-737353786-135469985
* https://belanoia.bandcamp.com
* https://unsafespacegarden.bandcamp.com ![Cartaz do "Festival Termómetro" em Lamego, dia 12 de Abril de 2024 às 21h30 no Teatro Ribeiro Conceição. Lineup: Basalto MADU Bela Noia Unsafe Space Garden](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/195/109/491/713/979/original/449f09340bcda640.png) 2024-03-31T16:33:14Z (#112191261527866408) Depois não digam que não foram avisados! ![Pré-venda do disco "Cães Danados" (disco de covers dos Raindogs) com desconto de 20% até 21 de Abril em www.adc-records.com](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/191/254/985/857/704/original/53a8e9160e0d7970.jpg) 2024-03-29T19:16:42Z (#112180579718236311) Agora com video-clip:
https://youtu.be/SliYHOf_woU 2024-03-28T18:26:40Z (#112174720641245340) Hoje às 23h na #Antena3, amanhã no bandcamp: 2° single de "Cães Danados"! ![2° Single! Sistema Axiomático "Silver Jet" Antena 3 - Indigente - 28.03.2024 - 23H Cães Danados (Raindogs Cover Songs)](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/174/706/416/288/397/original/b204fad2e2d4610a.jpg) 2024-03-28T01:03:15Z (#112170617785732208) #qotd !["I’m glad I don’t live in Yesterday . . . that Tomorrow is still a friend."](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/170/616/053/930/354/original/287d0258938a444e.jpg) 2024-03-27T23:20:33Z (#112170213961023309) Eu: "este ano tiro férias para o Zigur!"
Zigur: "este ano vamos ter mais um dia!" 2024-03-27T23:15:57Z (#112170195830527907) Não é por nada, mas #ZigurFest ![24-27 Julho ZigurFest 2024 Lamego](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/170/191/393/208/205/original/433cccb2547f8d1f.jpg) 2024-03-27T09:50:20Z (#112167028063358514) Happy #DocumentFreedomDay ! !["Don't worry granpa, we're going to get your documents back!"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/167/021/603/237/156/original/018bfe368fd0e264.jpeg) 2024-03-26T10:37:26Z (#112161550910914997) 2024, and this is the quality of the most popular office suite:

"Excel CSVs aren’t even interoperable between different computers.

My recommendation is to use Google Sheets to create CSV"

#OpenStandards #FAIL

@villares https://ciberlandia.pt/@villares/112157014976107927 2024-03-25T21:41:59Z (#112158501699863410) Ontem foi assim:


#DocumentFreedomDay 2024-03-25T11:08:36Z (#112156011159101872) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 13 ![South European Folk Compendium](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/156/007/730/533/551/original/6a257269ff99f689.jpg) 2024-03-24T14:45:02Z (#112151199911912522) On paper presentation about @openstreetmap@en.osm.town by @waldyrious@mastodon.social on "Open Knowledge Braga"

#documentfreedomday2024 ![Waldir holding his on-paper presentation](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/151/192/527/812/826/original/3a691e9d319a8d5b.jpg) 2024-03-24T08:52:57Z (#112149815464395569) Hello again @phpledge@floss.social !

Your website says "We will be launching an initial Organizer Guide in the coming days, which we will iterate on in conversation with community leaders and expert", but... well, is there a draft for it somewhere, yet?

#PHPledge 2024-03-23T15:34:28Z (#112145731980938717) Em Portugal adiantá-mo-nos, e a celebração do #documentfreedomday2024 vai ser já amanhã, no "Open Knowledge Braga", organizado pela @wikimediapt@masto.pt.

O site já tem uma secção de Material Recomendado, e por aqui já estamos equipados.


E tu, já tens a ida a #Braga planeada?

#DocumentFreedomDay ![Um telemóvel e um bloco de notas](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/145/728/765/508/783/original/1c13f61fbe533a18.jpg) 2024-03-23T01:26:32Z (#112142397746290281) Jovem: se tens mais de 18 anos (ou mesmo só 18) e ainda não fizeste a vacinação sazonal de #COVID-19 (isto é, se não fizeste nenhuma #vacina de COVID-19 desde setembro) sabias que ainda a podes fazer, numa farmácia perto de ti? É grátis e rápido!

Agendamento online: https://agendamento.farmaciasportuguesas.pt/

Se não vires uma farmácia num local conveniente nessa lista, não desistas! 
Nem todas as farmácias têm agendamento online, mas se telefonares para a farmácia que te dá mais jeito e pedires a vacinação sazonal #covid eles dizem-te se a fazem ou que farmácias na área fazem...

Ah, e se achas que não vale a pena porque já tomaste umas quantas, incluindo uma há um ano... Não é bem assim, esta vacina é adaptada!

Mais informação: https://www.sns.gov.pt/vacinacao-gripe-e-covid-19-outono-inverno-2023/ ![Q: Já fiz um reforço da vacina contra a COVID-19 no ano passado, preciso de ser vacinado outra vez? A: Recomenda-se que sim, dado que esta vacina está adaptada de forma a proteger contra as estirpes atualmente em circulação.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/142/380/346/297/675/original/5e15e08e655f43c0.jpg) 2024-03-22T21:10:55Z (#112141392622955573) #documentfreedomday is going to be next Wednesday!

How is your local free software community going to to celebrate it?

More info: https://digitalfreedoms.org/dfd/dfd-2024 ![Me waving (or mostly holding) an ODF flag, outdoors, while wearing a LaTeX sweatshirt. Picture taken during the first day of Document Freedom Day 2013 celebrations in Lisbon.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/141/376/766/767/041/original/9ba92bb967713351.jpg) 2024-03-21T20:11:32Z (#112135496802692324) #DocumentFreedomDay is next week!
Do you already know how are you going to celebrate? ![A few stickers on a laptop, the central one saying "We Cannot Read Your Documents", and pointing to documentfreedom.org](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/135/484/049/067/092/original/f35ea21506250faf.jpg) 2024-03-20T22:23:00Z (#112130351436073354) Com mais de 40% dos #votos do estrangeiro nulos, e uma das causas mais frequentes o facto da cópia do CC ter sido enviada no envelope errado, questionei-me se este ano não tinham feito um videozinho a explicar como votar - lembrando-me do de 2022.

Fui ver, dei com isto: ![O Portal do Eleitor até queria ter um vídeo, só que... não funciona.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/130/335/529/152/910/original/03ca779148114d22.jpeg) 2024-03-19T14:29:39Z (#112122827859223606) As ideias da @ansol@floss.social para esta legislatura na #PCGuia ![Foto à PCGuia: uma página a falar do Matrix e das propostas da ANSOL para a legislatura](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/122/822/306/450/907/original/dc35c085622d9fcb.jpg) 2024-03-19T14:26:44Z (#112122816397507847) ...de Lisboa 😞
https://www.lisboa.pt/agenda/municipio/regulamento-geral-da-rede-de-bibliotecas-de-lisboa 2024-03-19T14:25:06Z (#112122809973966586) ![A proposta do Regulamento Geral da Rede de Bibliotecas está em consulta pública até 28 de março de 2024.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/122/805/855/787/481/original/60f81c565416af12.jpg) 2024-03-18T12:15:26Z (#112116637792573341) Este ano o #DocumentFreedomDay em Portugal é celebrado com a @wikimediapt@masto.pt:

ATENÇÃO BRAGA e arredores! No próximo domingo, 24 de #Março de 2024, vem mapear #Braga connosco! O ponto de encontro é às 11h, na entrada da Universidade do Minho. Mais informações: https://pt.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Knowledge_Braga_2024 ![OKB '24 logo](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/116/636/237/472/113/original/b64b777d4eae5d7b.jpg) 2024-03-18T10:37:06Z (#112116251147920218) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 12 ![Marilyn Manson's "We Are Chaos" faces the camera at the end of a wall of Marilyn Manson CDs](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/116/245/000/260/324/original/a2355cf568637953.jpg) 2024-03-17T16:05:24Z (#112111879778530162) #fairies #qotd !["The world always will have fairies. It can’t get along without them. And somebody has to supply them."](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/111/875/073/470/045/original/8ead5fecfdd1dd5d.jpg) 2024-03-17T01:57:49Z (#112108546939416921) Not in my initial plans, but today I started to read an adaptation of Christie's "Murder On The Links", from 2019, fulfilling the "Any 9" prompt to this year's #MarchMysteryMadness .

#Bookstodon ![In the cover we can see that the title is "Crime no campo de golfe", as this is the Portuguese edition on this comics adaptation](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/108/545/082/817/450/original/e234674de89d1380.jpg) 2024-03-16T01:06:58Z (#112102684636463666) #EEA sent a report to #EU leaders about the #climate risks EU citizens face.

Here is an analysis of it:

My selected quote:
"I am not sure the general public (or our politicians) understands that we have zero evidence that we - humanity - can cope with any of this. Zero." 2024-03-15T21:00:48Z (#112101716685920745) Há uma semana do ano em que, em #Lamego, se come o #pito.

Este ano vi pela primeira vez mini-pitos, não sei bem o que encontrarei dentro desses... ![Pito e mini-pito](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/101/711/542/983/246/original/af772bbdf2d2d7d8.jpg) 2024-03-15T15:58:28Z (#112100527853985369) Desafios de escrever a #História

#qotd ![Num livro de História, o autor decide citar em vez de dizer, para evitar críticas de "algum erudito de meia tijela".](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/100/522/597/700/297/original/30677fdec454f904.jpg) 2024-03-15T14:02:57Z (#112100073635968467) I decided to change my reading plans, and started reading Anne of Windy Poplars, fourth in the series.

After a second book with an annoying use of ellipsis, the third had none. But this! On Windy Poplars the ellipsis return, with vengeance: you need to read up to page 24 to find the first page without ellipsis! ...

#bookstodon #fridayreads !["Anne of Windy Poplars", the Bantam Special Collector's Edition](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/100/049/304/941/711/original/da9bd1b000c8182a.jpg) 2024-03-15T13:08:27Z (#112099859365504152) #Festivais de música a vender os seus bilhetes a prestações para quem não tem dinheiro para comprar o bilhete a pronto...

Há tanta coisa de tão errada neste cenário. 

Mas para mim o pior de tudo é a ideia de faz sentido tentar convencer a quem não tem dinheiro nem consegue poupar que mesmo assim deviam endividar-se para ir a um #festival. ![Meo Kalorama a prestações](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/099/854/329/700/478/original/ffacd13cd918f0f6.jpg) ![Sudoeste a prestações](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/099/855/130/171/099/original/f0b7695831078a04.jpg) 2024-03-15T00:39:09Z (#112096912987724794) Também já se pode ouvir aqui:
https://anti-demos-cracia.bandcamp.com/album/c-es-danados-raindogs-cover-songs-2 2024-03-14T09:48:46Z (#112093411813272008) #hoje, na #antena3 ![Hoje no Indigente (Antena 3, 22h) vai-se ouvir um tema de avanço do disco "Cães Danados", com covers dos Raindogs. O disco sai em Maio, em CD.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/093/397/626/846/669/original/e7261a2d3e1ce07e.jpg) 2024-03-13T23:21:37Z (#112090945757920475) "Yes, terrible conflicts and injustices rage across the planet but none of them, with no disrespect to the suffering of the people involved, presents the same scale of risks as climate change, not even close."


@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social https://climatejustice.social/@breadandcircuses/112088405981241903 2024-03-13T10:11:00Z (#112087836966972751) Entidades sociais – Precisam de computadores?

Acabei de saber da existência do ReBOOT Porto, e aqueceu-me o coração ❤️ 

https://reboot.porto.pt 2024-03-11T11:45:17Z (#112076883093633664) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 11 ![Ministry released their "Hopiumforthemasses" right on time for an electoral night that saw fascism rise in Portugal. In the day after, a picture of ΚΕΦΑΛΗΞΘ, Ministry's 1992 album. ](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/076/874/891/064/287/original/4c8b46adad4a1f73.jpeg) 2024-03-11T02:38:05Z (#112074731372873379) Ouvi vários comentários durante esta noite de #legislativas2024 a falar como se hoje fosse o dia em que o PSD se livra do PPM.

Esquecem-se, parece, que o acordo da AD inclui também as #europeias em Junho...

#ptpol 2024-03-11T01:46:24Z (#112074528171515323) #legislativas2024 #ptpol

PSD-CDS 79, PS 77, CH 48, IL 8, BE 5, CDU 4, L 4, PAN 1
Faltam os 4 fora de Portugal

CH ultrapassa PSD-CDS em relação à projecção.

Montenegro governará em minoria, se assim Marcelo permitir. 2024-03-10T23:13:13Z (#112073925819658905) #legislativas2024 #ptpol

Coitado do Rui Tavares, estava todo contente a dizer que o Livre era o partido qie crescia mais em percentagem... apareceu o ADN a crescer mais de 10x mais! 2024-03-10T20:11:37Z (#112073211746755451) #legislativas2024 Projeções Católica:

AD: 83-91 mandatos
PS: 69-77 mandatos
CH: 40-46 mandatos
IL: 7-10 mandatos
BE: 5-7 mandatos
L: 4-6 mandatos
CDU: 2-3 mandatos
PAN: 0-2 mandatos

Não há maioria de esquerda, nem há maioria de direita democrática.

Veremos se a projecção se confirma...

#ptpol 2024-03-09T01:44:12Z (#112063194906447503) #qotd ![“You’ll feel differently about a good many things when you get to be my age,” said Janet tolerantly. “That’s one of the things we learn as we grow older—how to forgive. It comes easier at forty than it did at twenty.”](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/063/193/096/145/567/original/9f38ac719d011765.jpg) 2024-03-08T11:18:18Z (#112059790013706971) #RIP #AkiraToriyama ![A picture of Akira Toriyama's most famous work, Dragon Ball. The first book cover is shown, in front of the spines to the rest of it (numbers 2 to 23 visible).](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/059/776/539/424/953/original/4d65c87c64f9de14.jpg) 2024-03-08T02:08:31Z (#112057628224599059) #ptpol #sondagem

Há poucas palavras para isto.
Domingo, votem.

https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/politica/sondagem-catolica-ad-mantem-se-a-frente-num-parlamento-fragmentado_n1556003 ![Sondagem aponta vitória para AD. Não há solução de maioria sem o partido farsista.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/057/608/849/343/795/original/3343d62a88e61591.jpg) 2024-03-05T18:19:45Z (#112044460321796414) A #direita e a #ferrovia:

https://pt.mondediplo.com/2024/03/os-cinco-mitos-da-direita-sobre-a-ferrovia.html 2024-03-05T15:49:16Z (#112043868577769499) O feice foice. 🥁 2024-03-05T10:46:57Z (#112042679816526007) "green extractivism is a myth", "the twin transition is failing people and the planet."


#PrivacyCamp 2024-03-04T23:51:27Z (#112040102317671508) #flatlyUnreasonable #qotd !["But who could expect a melancholy, inscrutable hero to see the humorous side of things? It would be flatly unreasonable."](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/040/091/929/546/312/original/ed363f27fabe9e31.jpg) 2024-03-04T21:48:03Z (#112039617054934821) Germany has its military discussions over #WebEx , and this is not a joke... 2024-03-04T11:17:39Z (#112037138237096379) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 10

Yesterday, LC announced the end of his "Teatro Grotesco" musical project. ![A picture of Kroni's Empire, Teatro Grotesco's full album on CD. The disc itself was hand-painted in this 50 copies limited edition, and this copy is numbered 14.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/037/126/734/288/764/original/67adf3b7d162984f.jpg) 2024-03-03T15:12:45Z (#112032400403457187) Provavelmente a coisa mais importante que já fiz este ano: mais um voto pela democracia. ![Comprovativo de voto antecipado](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/032/395/755/471/464/original/e86695e93f586649.jpg) 2024-03-02T19:33:26Z (#112027763123111760) The #RaceWhoKnowsJosephBookClub book for #March is "Anne of the Island", the third book of the 'Anne of Green Gables' series, and one that was written in less of a rush than the second.

So far, it is being better than the second but still less good than the first. While the second is forgettable, this one develops significantly Anne's life, and was the basis for many adaptations (which tended to skip all that comes from the second book). Let's see if my opinion of it doesn't change before I reach the end of if 😉

Oh, and as it happens, being a 'middle grade' book makes it eligible for #MiddleGradeMarch!

#Bookstodon ![A picture of "Anne of the Island" (special collector's edition book), in front of a lightfire](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/027/758/663/253/129/original/0fe9971e4128144e.jpg) 2024-03-01T21:36:07Z (#112022583246628702) A new month? On a #Friday?

It's time for #fridayreads, and since we're now in #March, it is also time to start the #MarchMysteryMadness!

And of course, I am still doing #readchristie2024, this month's #book being "The Blue Train", which not only is a #mystery (duh!), but also fit for MMM's first prompt, "dressed to the nines".

#bookstodon ![The first Portuguese edition of Agatha Christie's "The Mystery of the Blue Train"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/022/574/718/401/659/original/3b857ba5b11ebe50.jpg) 2024-03-01T14:05:08Z (#112020809868541395) Um cabeça de lista da #AD a dizer que as #AlteraçõesClimáticas são falsas, e temos previsão de ser esta a coligação mais votada...

#ptpol 2024-03-01T13:24:10Z (#112020648765931638) ⏳ Extended deadline: contribute to #CREATe’s research on #TechnologicalProtectionMeasures for KR21 until 6 March


Fill out this survey NOW 👉
https://uofg.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6sYj1ZyZbb6Ui6q 2024-02-28T08:49:11Z (#112008242857657770) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 09 ![GGGOLDDD's PTST 12" The record is multisleeved, and the picture shows one sliding out of the other.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/112/008/227/992/607/463/original/9fbec27414bdaebf.jpg) 2024-02-27T10:36:55Z (#112003004175645605) Já abriram as inscrições para o #voto antecipado e/ou em mobilidade!

https://ciberlandia.pt/@marado/111835488371994624 2024-02-27T01:11:27Z (#112000780680095689) Tive uma ideia brilhante: e se nós, país que nem um sistema de validação de facturas conseguimos ter a funcionar, fossemos brincar às eleições e fizessemos um sistema de voto eletrónico online? :picardfacepalm: 

@jt_rebelo https://ciberlandia.pt/@jt_rebelo/111998507096775310 2024-02-22T14:02:31Z (#111975501080232675) Just saw someone use the 🪷 emoji, and was reminded of the old #game #perestroika

https://youtu.be/OOTJ4azUQZk 2024-02-21T20:53:12Z (#111971453674158122) Seeing new #bands having as their main or even online online presence their #instagram account... it breaks my heart a bit. ![Instagram's login popup showing that either you have an account or you cannot see what's in there.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/971/449/440/260/422/original/407e9614caa07e12.png) 2024-02-19T23:55:38Z (#111960846392764113) Um #debate desta duração e zero perguntas e referências à #criseclimática. Isto vai lindo.

#ptpol 2024-02-19T08:02:52Z (#111957099957242691) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 08 !["O Gajo" has a colection of four EPs called "As 4 Estações", each named by one of Lisbon's train stations. This picture captures the first one, "Rossio", and its promo stickers naming the four. The second one, "Santa Apolónia" is on the background.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/957/086/178/604/790/original/c41162b63dba25f1.jpg) 2024-02-18T11:56:08Z (#111952354893135947) Há para aí uma polémica descabida sobre o slogan do BE nesta companha, uma frase comum no Português mas da qual Pedro Abrunhosa pretende ter direitos de autor por ter cantado algo parecido.

Não é disso que se trata este toot. Numa tentativa de contra-argumentar o que alega Abrunhosa, mas porque argumentar dá trabalho, alguém pediu a uma dessas ferramentas de #IA que por aí andam para fazê-lo por si - e depois usou o resultado como resposta ao Abrunhosa. 

Deu nisto: (no ALT da imagem comento-a) ![Texto muito bem escrito, pelo Copilot, a "explicar" que a frase do Abrunhosa é parecida com outras expressões do Português, dando exemplos. Um dos exemplos é atribuído ao Fernando Pessoa, mostrando um excerto da "Ode Marítima" com o exemplo, e indicando link para o poema. Como seria de esperar, o Copilot escreve bem, mas não sabe o que está a escrever. Acontece que aquele excerto não existe, aqueles versos não constam na Ode Marítima. O link para um site sobre poemas de amor (não exactamente como classificaria a Ode Marítima) é de um site que existe mesmo, mas que não tem este poema, nem aquele link (ou links naquele formato).](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/952/321/442/197/760/original/096e95251ed94dce.jpg) 2024-02-17T03:19:03Z (#111944659349600026) Um fio sobre a #EscolaDigital :

@arturcoelho@masto.pt https://masto.pt/@arturcoelho/111943139816711162 2024-02-15T12:20:36Z (#111935464151997491) The European Court rules that “the requirement to decrypt encrypted communications, as applied to end-to-end encrypted communciations, cannot be regarded as necessary in a democratic society” and infringes on the European Convention on Human Rights.

#telegram #encryption #privacy

@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org https://tldr.nettime.org/@remixtures/111931919570789448 2024-02-14T23:59:30Z (#111932550041464016) Nada como acabar os últimos minutos do dia #ilovefs com um "save the date" que promete "amanhã há mais"!

@ubuntuportugal@masto.pt https://masto.pt/@ubuntuportugal/111926864836332411 2024-02-14T23:12:22Z (#111932364749112076) Before the #ilovefs day ends, I also want to express my love for @ardour@fosstodon.org and thank its developers.
This past year was one when I was able to get more musically active. It saw two #kokori releases (an album and a participation in a compilation), with one more yet to come - and that was only possible thanks to @ardour@fosstodon.org, so THANK YOU! :ablobcatheart: :blobcathearttrans: ![A picture taken in a dark studio, a keyboard in front of the source of light: a screen where ardour can be seen in use, with two midi tracks on it.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/932/337/545/891/908/original/d30a31a2f491614a.jpg) 2024-02-14T14:00:48Z (#111930195856393621) Interested in hearing more about how I ❤️ free software?

What about seeing the video of my presentation about it on last year's mini- @debconf@peertube.debian.social ?


#ilovefs 2024-02-14T02:01:56Z (#111927369174810719) Merry "I Love Free Software" day! :heart_cyber: :ablobcatheart:

#ilovefs #freesoftware 

This year, I'm particularly thankful to those who make Mastodon and the Fediverse what it is: developers, admins, moderators, users, YOU. Thank you :blobcatHuggies: ![My picture and some text: I <3 Free Software My heart goes to all Free Software developers, but this year I want to give a special thank you to those who make Mastodon be what it is! - Marcos Marado Member of Digital Freedom Foundation](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/927/344/436/274/981/original/2a5d35283ae4cda5.jpg) 2024-02-13T16:31:51Z (#111925127489984029) Lembrou-me o @jaimepereira@masto.pt que hoje é o #diamundialdaradio 

#worldradioday ![O meu mais velhinho rádio](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/925/125/890/593/127/original/7d6db9965dad238c.jpg) 2024-02-13T11:44:55Z (#111923999242049256) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 07 ![Merankorii's Leroi, a composition released in a 3" CD, 15 years ago, when dungeon synth wasn't a trend, and every band had a myspace.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/923/993/659/537/402/original/2e7e4a8dd84ca5bf.jpeg) 2024-02-12T22:35:02Z (#111920893272636705) Já nem me lembrava disto...

Não é só do tamanho dum toot, é mesmo um toot 😉

https://rss-parrot.net/u/tilde.pt.marado.planeta/status/1707762053913789548 2024-02-12T12:14:12Z (#111918452104466414) Tenho desleixado a actualização do meu blog, mas, passado um ano desde o meu último post, fiz agora mais um, do tamanho dum toot.

Não é procrastinação, é outra coisa:
https://tilde.pt/~marado/blog/nao-e-procrastinacao-e-outra-coisa.html 2024-02-11T20:06:44Z (#111914647861468365) "Beers and Burger's Book club" é o nome oficial, e esta foi a 6ª edição. Tentarei ser mais exacto de futuro! 😇 :blobcatread: 🍔🍻 2024-02-11T19:23:33Z (#111914478067553955) Hoje foi o primeiro #BBB de 2024: Burgers, Beers & Books.

Excelente, como sempre. ![Um hambúrguer para amostra, mas as cervejas vazias e os cafés tomados mostram que a foto já foi tirada depois da refeição. À frente do prato, quatro mostradores de relógio, cada um deles a dizer "So many Books, so little Time". E, está claro, pelo menos uma dúzia de livros.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/914/458/397/136/903/original/2c0d9830496887a9.jpg) 2024-02-10T16:04:48Z (#111908034232148623) @paulasimoes @ansol@floss.social @wikimediapt@masto.pt 

O artigo agora em digital:
https://www.jn.pt/4201592218/a-poesia-de-antonio-maria-lisboa-ja-pertence-ao-dominio-publico/ 2024-02-08T23:47:25Z (#111898528648163152) Por este andar, não vamos ter nenhum #debate onde se fale sobre a #criseclimática, não é?

#ptpol ![The popular "this is fine" meme gif](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/898/525/929/498/088/original/47c124d3845b9fed.mp4) 2024-02-08T14:35:25Z (#111896358136498705) Nem tudo são más notícias, às vezes também acontecem coisas boas:


#mineiração #barroso #criseclimática 2024-02-08T00:31:20Z (#111893039079653892) A Comissão Europeia apresentou uma proposta de objetivo climático para 2040, conforme obrigação estabelecida na Lei Europeia do Clima.

Mas 90% de redução em relação a 1990 é ainda insuficiente para estarmos alinhados com Acordo de Paris ⚠️


https://zero.ong/noticias/maior-ambicao-climatica-europeia-ate-2040-e-bem-vinda-mas-objetivo-tem-de-ser-a-neutralidade-climatica/ 2024-02-07T12:30:51Z (#111890206020048905) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 06 !["Maria T" by Balanescu Quartet, next to a flyer to the quartet's 2008 concert in Lisbon](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/890/199/268/722/025/original/84b058bdfb0207c1.jpg) 2024-02-07T00:29:08Z (#111887368072372678) Mapa Janeiro-Março 2024 ![Foto da primeira página](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/887/361/987/026/201/original/77516d0c650b082e.jpg) 2024-02-06T01:34:02Z (#111881960995420984) Uma novidade a aplaudir deste ano (e para não ser só cascar) é que a RTP3 vai exibir em diferido todos os debates que não acontecem originalmente na RTP, significando assim que todos os debates terão uma transmissão (ainda que não em directo) em sinal aberto. 2024-02-06T00:50:06Z (#111881788255530843) Nos dois primeiros debates eleitorais, tivemos conflictos entre a visão da a lei do mais forte contra o bem comum (IL ou PS), e depois o mais simples confronto entre o sentido democrático e o fascismo (PAN ou CH).

A meu ver ficaram claras as melhores opções: PS e PAN.

Amanhã teremos mais três debates.

#ptpol 2024-02-05T14:00:17Z (#111879233028908858) No JN de hoje apareço muito bem acompanhado: é a @paulasimoes, a @ansol@floss.social, a @wikimediapt@masto.pt ... :heart_cyber: ![Foto com excerto de artigo na secção de Cultura do JN de hoje, 5 de fevereiro de 2024, sobre domínio público](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/879/220/609/648/769/original/e899877df92646f0.jpg) 2024-02-04T23:11:27Z (#111875738033319107) Coisas que se concluem destas regionais: a hashtag para elas no mastodon foi #acores2024 , usada *uma* vez e escolhida por um toot do @LIVRE@masto.pt . Ou o pessoal no mastodon não fala disto, ou não usa hashtags.

Fui espreitar ali na rede ao lado, é trending topic. ![Screenshot da rede X, onde o tópico "trending" em Portugal é "Açores".](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/875/735/287/084/342/original/2b2cc32238659c49.jpeg) 2024-02-04T21:27:01Z (#111875327338180832) Isso e informação que não cabe no ecrã. Alguém meteu baixa na RTP... 2024-02-04T20:52:32Z (#111875191777469373) 2024 e continuamos a ver gráficos com proporções totalmente erradas na televisão. 2024-02-04T18:46:37Z (#111874696651199311) #RaceWhoKnowsJosephBookClub is the (lengthy hashtag for the) year long celebration of LM Montgomery's 150th birthday. #February's book for it is "Anne Of Avonlea", and this anniversary a good excuse to make me read the full #Anne series 😇

#bookstodon ![A picture of "Anne of Avonlea", the second book of the "Anne of Green Gables" book series, slightly in front od the eight books boxset it belongs to](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/874/688/898/666/839/original/22bf3ff67b864204.jpg) 2024-02-02T23:41:17Z (#111864530697984714) The first #fridayreads of #February is #readchristie2024 's prompt for the month: "The Secret Adversary". The first Christie novel with #Tommy and #Tuppence, it also fulfills this month's #seasonalread prompt: #love .

#bookstodon ![A picture of Agatha Christie's "The Secret Adversary" in its Portuguese edition on Colecção Vampiro. The series' tag line "Os mestres da literatura policial" can be read on the book cover and also the bookmark on it. On the background, a bookshelf full of books of the same collection.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/864/517/374/046/849/original/d6d65bf57162eae5.jpg) 2024-02-02T20:54:49Z (#111863876118553837) There, voided. ![The same sticker, now resting over a screwdriver](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/863/870/778/265/234/original/59899086d3bcd43a.jpg) 2024-02-02T20:45:40Z (#111863840174107510) #VOID ![A very zoomed up picture to a screw in some piece of hardware, covered with s red sticker, labeled VOID.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/863/832/491/632/320/original/9f2fe408c6a7e9b1.jpeg) 2024-02-02T14:45:17Z (#111862423079012074) O carteiro toca sempre duas vezes
#TBR ![Duas encomendas, quatro livros: 3 Sarilho e 1 Saga](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/862/416/907/358/216/original/ac1ed97831be7fc7.jpg) 2024-01-30T16:36:33Z (#111845873627430879) #musicol #raindogs #kokori #antena3 ![Album de tributo aos Raindogs, "Cães Danados", vai sair em Maio 2024 em CD, com o apoio da Antena 3.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/845/863/801/321/040/original/15aeb9a8c588faac.png) 2024-01-29T19:37:52Z (#111840924287522440) 7 anos depois, e andamos nisto.


@d3 https://ciberlandia.pt/@d3/111840711544170716 2024-01-29T11:14:04Z (#111838943311255574) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 05

In the previous week I posted a record I bought in 1993, this week a record I now wish I had bought in 1993... ![A picture of the original limited edition of Tony Wakeford's La Croix. In 2011, this album was reissued in vinyl as being a Sol Invictus album.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/838/921/111/761/238/original/7ad5ff0f8d6a23f0.jpg) 2024-01-28T20:35:26Z (#111835488371994624) #Eleições #Legislativas #Antecipadas e em #Mobilidade ![Para votar antecipadamente em mobilidade, há que indicar essa vontade entre 25 e 29 de Fevereiro em https://www.votoantecipado.mai.gov.pt](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/835/481/387/443/387/original/bb2db036b8015e86.jpg) 2024-01-27T00:39:47Z (#111825124530331817) Para os mais distraídos, como eu que só agora dei por ela: esta é a parte 9 de uma história que está a ser contada episodicamente/semanalmente. Vale a pena começar pela '42/1! 2024-01-26T12:42:54Z (#111822305639318098) #ALGARVE: NÃO HÁ #ÁGUA SEM JUSTIÇA

Artigo de @joseggusmao@respublicae.eu no @SetentaeQuatro@masto.pt 

https://setentaequatro.pt/cronica/algarve-nao-ha-agua-sem-justica 2024-01-25T13:48:38Z (#111816901808539474) #myfirstdistro was #MiniLinux. Later, a better machine got #RedHat 5.0. From 5.2 I jumped to #Mandrake, and a change of hardware led me to @debian@framapiaf.org , the distro that still has my heart. 2024-01-23T21:48:01Z (#111807462220852397) #ptpol #sondagem 

PS 26.4, AD 20.8, CH 16.6, BE 7.4, IL 5.4, CDU 3.9, PAN 2.2, L 1.3

Com estes resultados, nem esquerda nem direita democrática conseguem maioria.

https://www.publico.pt/2024/01/23/politica/noticia/ps-aumenta-distancia-face-ad-sondagem-confirma-continua-subida-chega-2077792 2024-01-23T01:10:07Z (#111802594593723977) #Fanzines, #revistas, #jornais, #editoras... que projectos #Portugueses conhecem que aceitam submissões para publicação de #minicontos #flashfiction (<=1000 palavras)? 2024-01-22T12:08:54Z (#111799522708890860) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 04

(Chosen due to a #musicol thread) ![Radio Cidade's "La Vaca", from 1993, in cassette tape.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/799/518/091/691/803/original/e925941f1f51f00e.jpg) 2024-01-22T02:53:01Z (#111797336871858685) Não estava nada a contar tropeçar por um #conto de #SciFi #climático no @SetentaeQuatro@masto.pt , mas assim foi.

Vale a pena ler, aqui:
https://setentaequatro.pt/noticia/429-europa-adentro 2024-01-20T22:58:56Z (#111790754149157010) "Les Jolies Choses de Chaterine Gaudet", inesperado.

Agora ir conhecer mais de Antoine Berthiaume.

Obrigado #RTP2 .


https://www.rtp.pt/programa/tv/p44493 2024-01-20T02:00:04Z (#111785804065057245) #kokori @ #COOPAzine

#musicol literário ![referência à participação de kokori na compilação "Passo a Passo"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/785/789/658/268/889/original/c7c3808cd3574224.jpg) ![Referência na participação de kokori no album de "Erros Alternados e Amigos"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/785/789/920/594/683/original/b518fc8f9be0dd08.jpg) ![Kokori participou também no álbum de tributo aos Ode Filípica](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/785/789/982/036/634/original/c2e01583988c7f66.jpg) 2024-01-19T02:27:51Z (#111780250996620137) É caso para dizer que "deu-lhe o amoc"!

@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org https://tldr.nettime.org/@remixtures/111779927284637079 2024-01-18T02:01:40Z (#111774485756107142) Piracy Is Liberation: a story that started being told in 2001 and still going strong.

On this picture, the cover of "book 12", published in January last year. Close to the beginning of the book, a two pages scenario that, taken out of context, you could read standalone and assume it refers to the 2023 Israel-Hamas war.

Before that, in the "editorial", the author mentions the invasion in Ukraine, and ends up with the words "And I never intended for this story to be a documentary."

Piracy Is Liberation: https://www.elftorp.com/freeinformation/

#bookstodon ![A picture capturing partially the cover of Piracy Is Liberation Book 012: Outer Enemy, from Mattias Elftorp](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/774/444/621/355/729/original/3c3bfc593036bf6e.jpg) 2024-01-15T12:52:36Z (#111760058366040165) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 3 ![Klimperei's latest release of his toy music, over a toy piano, in front of an ADC postcard (ADC being the label that released this album).](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/760/047/921/855/029/original/207124d1499ad961.jpg) 2024-01-13T22:41:41Z (#111751050151494821) As ideias da @ANSOL para as próximas #eleições #legislativas:

https://ansol.org/noticias/2024-01-12-ideias-para-a-proxima-legislatura/ 2024-01-13T13:33:28Z (#111748894489869119) Andava toda a gente a dizer que isto seria a mais longa campanha eleitoral, qiecera tempo excessivo, que dava para tudo o que devia acontecer e mais.

Hoje sabe-se o calendário dos #debates televisivos, e descobre-se que afinal não vai dar para ter todos os debates em sinal aberto, e mais uma vez os partidos sem representação parlamentar só terão espaço num debate, entre todos.

Uma coisa é certa: ainda há tempo para resolver isto. Mas, infelizmente, a comunicação social não parece sequer entender que isto é um problema para resolver.

#ptpol 2024-01-12T14:51:58Z (#111743540796009975) #AI #generated #subtitles ![A picture of 1983's BBC adaptation of "My Cousin Rachel" playing on YouTube, the subtitles saying: "I must stop worrying about infinite to upload".](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/743/530/171/899/368/original/2f80aaf0e65d452f.jpg) 2024-01-11T19:48:55Z (#111739046138228750) Regulamento Nacional de Interoperabilidade Digital: os ficheiros audio devem estar no formato Ogg Vorbis*

Concurso a fundos do PRR: Os audiobooks apoiados devem ser produzidos no formato MP3**

Mais uma vez, parabéns a todos os envolvidos.

* https://rnid.ansol.org/RNID.html#ficheiros-de-%C3%A1udio

** https://recuperarportugal.gov.pt/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/AAC-_13_C04-i01_2023-AUDIOBOOKS_EBOOKS_Publicacao.pdf 2024-01-08T08:05:03Z (#111719291521241811) #MaradoWeekly #WeeklyRecord Week 02 ![A picture of Mindless Self Indulgence's "Music On Vinyl" edition of "tighter", the ultimate edition of the '99 album "tight" and all ita B-sided in a 2LP.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/719/271/609/408/625/original/8a7d006f163a1b98.jpg) 2024-01-07T13:52:20Z (#111714994749675628) Parabéns ao #MOOsaico, que faz hoje 30 anos! ![Login screen do MOOsaico, incluindo o endereço e a informação de que hoje é o 30º aniversário](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/714/988/057/074/494/original/cd77879334fb0dce.jpeg) 2024-01-06T12:26:02Z (#111708993113782688) Maybe we can use this to restart a discussion on the legal protection #EU gives to #DRM.

Why should breaking DRM be illegal in cases such as these?

@per_sonne https://ciberlandia.pt/@per_sonne/111706317965551722 2024-01-05T20:42:59Z (#111705284886440140) #January's #readchristie2024 is her first ever novel, and the first #Poirot: "The Mysterious Affair of Styles". 

Let's go!

#fridayreads #bookstodon ![Picture of Harper's edition of "The Mysterious Affair of Styles" with the inclusion of the original (rejected) ending to the book (as recovered from Christie's notebooks)](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/705/276/118/107/209/original/660341b6203eee9e.jpg) 2024-01-05T20:34:00Z (#111705249559870124) As seis medidas do #BE para uma nova #geringonça: + #salários, + #habitação, + #cuidados, + #saúde, + #educação, + combate à #criseclimática


@EsquerdaNet@masto.pt https://masto.pt/@EsquerdaNet/111703297740365428 2024-01-05T13:43:06Z (#111703633860442197) Lá foi votada no parlamento a nova tentativa de legislar os #metadados - com os votos favoráveis dos proponentes (PS e PSD) e do PAN, votos contra da IL, PCP, BE e Livre, e abstenção do Chega.

Não fosse o Tribunal Constitucional ter pouco trabalho...

https://24.sapo.pt/atualidade/artigos/conservacao-de-metadados-so-com-autorizacao-judicial 2024-01-04T16:52:44Z (#111698717189717157) Portanto #PS e #PSD continuam a tentar fazer passar medidas inconstitucionais no que diz respeito aos #metadados...

Parabéns a todos os envolvidos. :picardfacepalm:

@d3 https://ciberlandia.pt/@d3/111698447356721555 2024-01-04T11:26:53Z (#111697435901173188) Se querem mesmo transformar a decisão de ter #TGV ou não numa decisão económica, pronto, vocês lá sabem das vossas prioridades. Mas ao menos tenham a honestidade intelectual de contabilizar não só os custos como também os benifícios - e os custos de compensação.

Sendo claro, há que - em particular - ter em vista que o TGV e a aposta na ferrovia está enquadrada num conjunto de medidas para o caminho da descarbonização, e se vamos falar em "poupar" o investimento no TGV, temos que saber quanto é que vão custar as medidas propostas para descarbonizar por outra via... ou o ainda maior custo de optar por ignorar a #criseclimática e não descarbonizar. 2024-01-03T13:20:41Z (#111692221059677842) @birb@rss-parrot.net https://tilde.pt/~marado/planeta/rss20.xml 2024-01-03T11:39:58Z (#111691825025835118) I'm starting #MaradoWeekly - weekly taking a picture and showing it to you. For #2024, those pictures are going to be from a #WeeklyRecord - a hashtag you're invited to use and share with me if you also want to take a weekly picture of a record.

It is not "my favorite records", or "five star records" or anything of the sort, they'll simply be "the record I decided to shoot and share this week". And since this is supposed to be a photo hashtag, I'll shut up now, and leave you with the first picture of the series ;-) ![Week 1: "33", the most recent CD in the house, a compilation of Portuguese bands.](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/691/797/329/231/926/original/38e31613cccb0c03.jpg) 2024-01-03T11:29:39Z (#111691784512295919) It will be here on Mastodon, soon, at #MaradoWeekly 2024-01-02T19:38:27Z (#111688044196213853) "A leitura só será possível durante um determinado período de tempo e dentro da plataforma, que estará disponível para smartphones, tablets e computadores, desde que o dispositivo esteja ligado à Internet."

#elending #ebooks #bibliotecas 

https://www.timeout.pt/lisboa/pt/noticias/vai-ser-possivel-requisitar-livros-electronicos-em-bibliotecas-publicas-010224 2024-01-02T13:02:49Z (#111686488514385076) "O combate às alterações climáticas começa por um combate pelo combate às alterações climáticas. [...] Não basta ter razão. Não basta ter os factos. A COP mostra-nos isso."

#criseclimática #COP28

@joseggusmao@respublicae.eu https://respublicae.eu/@joseggusmao/111686450055248252 2024-01-02T11:32:49Z (#111686134616058895) No better way to start the #NewYear than with a #ComfortBookClub reading: this month being "Dear Mrs Bird", with the bonus that it is set (or at least starts) during #winter, fulfilling January's #SeasonalRead .

#bookstodon ![A picture of Picador's paperback edition of AJ Pearce's debut novel "Dear Mrs Bird"](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/686/130/765/026/975/original/0b4b11d4b58a3b81.jpg) 2024-01-01T12:29:36Z (#111680695586381172) Uma sondagem ainda com PSD e CDS em separado.

Dados de comparação com as últimas eleições:

PS 34.1 (-7.3), PSD 24.8 (-2.9), CH 16.3 (+8.9), BE 6.3 (+1.9), IL 4.1 (-0.8), PAN 3.7 (+2.1), CDU 2.7 (-1.6), L 1.8 (+0.5), CDS 1.2 (-0.4)

#ptpol #sondagem

https://www.tsf.pt/portugal/politica/ps-sobe-e-mantem-lideranca-psd-desce-direita-continua-a-precisar-do-chega-para-maioria-17586673.html 2023-12-31T11:19:11Z (#111674756400660911) "What the history of #OpenBoot, #Phrack, @Mudge@mastodon.social & #Solaris, can teach us about the wisdom (or not) of #Apple’s building their #iPhone #security debugging-backdoor-NSA-hack thing"

https://alecmuffett.com/article/108789 2023-12-27T19:45:32Z (#111654098182064081) Mais #traduções: ![O original, em Inglês: uma frase começada por "Y'know".](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/654/091/398/052/966/original/cf6e59a1aa82f904.jpg) ![A tradução, em Português: "Y'know" foi traduzido para "Eu sei".](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/654/091/477/954/266/original/031ae9564bf09db4.jpg) 2023-12-27T08:55:40Z (#111651542813120366) Insistindo nos erros do passado, #PSD volta a questionar o #TGV :

https://expresso.pt/politica/crise/2023-12-26-PSD-prepara-caminho-para-se-afastar-do-TGV-Governo-para-avancar-consenso-caira-por-terra--ed2d85b5 2023-12-25T21:24:06Z (#111643161173737157) #criseclimática:

Ciência: para não ultrapassar os 1.5°C temos de atingir neutralidade carbónica até 2040
PS: está tudo bem, estamos em condições de atingir neutralidade carbónica até 2045
PSD: mas isso não tem viabilidade económica! 2023-12-25T19:44:40Z (#111642770188415549) Hey, @eff@mastodon.social , I like you - I really do. So, when I got your email asking me to complete a survey, I was going to.

Instead, I'm tooting you my feedback - just a simple request, and a demonstration of disappointment: if you're asking people information by filling up a survey, please do not involve a third party - specially Microsoft. It is not just that I don't want to send any data to forms.office.com, I think you should not be asking/incentivising anyone to do so.

Here's a 49 pages list of why: https://www.eff.org/search/site/Microsoft 2023-12-25T13:00:02Z (#111641179100877111) Mais um toot sobre #traduções ![Em Inglês temos um "small thicket", e frutos "specially admirable". O bosque é "Christmas-tree".](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/641/167/722/676/014/original/dd7cb4ac9896e98a.jpg) ![Em Português temos um "maciço ou bosque espesso", e frutos "belos e bonitos". O bosque é "Natal".](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/641/167/904/623/411/original/3eb7b8f170055eeb.jpg) 2023-12-24T16:01:44Z (#111636231276933914) Want something to read this day? What about a small #publicdomain story?

The #Nutcracker ballet is quite popular this season, but have you ever read Hoffman's original story?

You can, in #English, for free - find an #epub version here: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=269263

Or the text/web format at #wikisource:

#joinin ![A picture of the book in paper format (but a Portuguese edition)](https://ciberlandia.pt/system/media_attachments/files/111/636/226/752/553/675/original/c149bd8d2c0a259d.jpg)