        `':::_:' -- '' -'-' `':_::::'`

Last login: Thu Jun 10 00:56 on ttyp1
Welcome to Daniel Alexandre's Homepage!
daniel@core public_html $ cat CHANGES
Tue Jan 24 2006 14:28

The entire page is now in PHP.

Fri Feb 18 21:45

- Links section updated. - New link available: PyTalker - A talker base written in python. - Talkers section was updated.

Sat Jul 10 06:24

- Radio Buttons and Checkboxes have now been created to simplify the use of tags in the shoutbox

Sat Jul 10 00:58

- The following tags are now availabe in the Shoutbox:
   [b] - start typing in bold [/b] - stop typing in bold
   [i] - start typing in talics [/i] - stop typing in italics
   [u] - start typing with underline [/u] - stop typing with underline
   [white] - start typing in white [/white] - stop typing in white
   [blue] - start typing in blue [/blue] - stop typing in blue
   [gray] - start typing in gray [/gray] - stop typing in gray
   [green] - start typing in green [/green] - stop typing in green
   [pink] - start typing in pink [/pink] - stop typing in pink
   [cyan] - start typing in cyan [/cyan] - stop typing in cyan
   [yellow] - start typing in yellow [/yellow] - stop typing in yellow
   (NOTE: All tags are case-sensitive)
- Every url address that you enter now in the Shoutbox will be turned into a clickable link.

Tue Jul 06 01:35

- Suggestion board created

Thu Jul 01 21:54

- Added the login prompt at the index page (if you type a username there, instead of "Anonymous" it will automatically use it in the shoutbox page and in the suggestions page (You must enable cookies and accept it)

Wed Jun 30 06:30

- All the pages in this website are now W3C compliant
- New layout for my webpage
daniel@core public_html $ ls -aFh --color_