multi-aspell: a treat for alpine users
Probably more useful to users of, but maybe others of the tildeverse who speak more than one language and use alpine as a mail client, today wrote a very small shell script called multi-aspell.
is an helper script that shows you a list of (pre-defined)
language options to run aspell with.
It was written with the purpose of replacing the aspell invocation from alpine, in order to let you choose which language you want your e-mail to have its spell checked (useful if you're used to write mails in more than one language).
Now, before sending an email, alpine will ask me wether I want to spell check it in Portuguese or English, and then use that language to check the e-mail with.
Of course, comments, issues, patches or feature requests are more than welcome. Enjoy!
tags: pine, alpine,, tilde, tildeverse, aspell, multi-aspell, en